As the now iconic EA Sports Ultimate Team turns 15 years old, EA Sports prepared the Ultimate birthday, inviting fans and creators alike to join. It offered two weeks of 5-star festivities, upgrades, new fantasy icons, and game-style improvements.

Among those who joined the anniversary were Double Tap’s Pitch Addict and Carla Gabián. They put their touch to the occasion, with videos that brought their audience right into the celebratory vibe.
Pitch Addict
Pitch Addict, known for their passion for football, games and challenges, approached this one with energy. They were challenged to break open one piñata each, each being located in the top bins of the goal.
They also hosted an exclusive giveaway, spreading the love of gaming and football to some lucky winners who walked away with three FC24 games.

Carla Gabián
Meanwhile, Carla Gabián took on EA Sports' challenge with finesse and style. Through her signature high spirits, she showcased her skills, attempting to explode the birthday balloons with precision and flair.

As the Ultimate Birthday celebrations wrap up, we at Double Tap are thrilled to have been part of the journey with EA Sports Ultimate Team, Carla and Pitch Addict!